Sarah Ferstel
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Once there was a blog. . . it was a happy blog. . . with many people posting their favorite recipes on it.   And, then, one day, everyone disappeared.  Ha ha ha ha. . .

Okay, so, here goes nothing. . .

I made it back into the kitchen this week, after an 8 hour day at work, to whip up a batch of pepper jelly.  I have been on this preserving kick lately - which must have something to do with some internal clock that we all have that goes "Hey!  Summer is passing you by!  Soak your veggies in vinegar and sugar and put them away for a cold winter day!"  You would swear that I have a garden. . . but no. . . I have been going to the supermarket (not even the produce stand!) in order to buy vegetables for preserving.  I don't know why I've been on this culinary kick lately, but I'm going with it.  I am still crazy in love with the salsa, and am about to make another batch with all over the leftover jalepenos that I had from this recipe.  (Sometimes I'm not so great at figuring out how many items (like tomatoes, bell pepper, etc.) equals 1/2 c. or 2 c. or whatever the recipe calls for, so I always have crazy amounts of leftovers.  Anyhow, the recipe is super easy, and pepper jelly is always a hit atop a mound of cream cheese.  I don't know what else you would do with it. . . Does anyone have ideas?  Because I do have a little stockpile now. . . The helpful hint of the day, though, is to take out your contacts first!  I don't care how many times you've washed your hands after having chopped up the peppers. . . it doesn't feel so great. . . stinging, blood shot eyeballs. . . yeah, just take them out. 

Pepper Jelly

1 bell pepper, chopped fine
4 decent sized jalepenos, chopped fine (about 1/3 c.)
1 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar
6 c. sugar
6 oz. Certo (or other brand) liquid pectin

Place peppers in a large pot with vinegar and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and add the pectin. Spoon into 1/2 pint jars. The recipe should make between 6 & 7 jars (i.e. enough to share, if you have to). And, always remember to sterilize your jars properly! Safety first.
The lack of activity on this blog, in no way, coincides with a lack of activity in my kitchen. Seeing as how we all have to eat, I imagine that it's the same for all of you. . . unless everyone in the world has suddenly converted to fast food junkies, which, knowing all of you, seems highly doubtful. Often, I am too lazy to dig out my camera, or things get too messy to even imagine taking a photo. (After all, who wants to take a picture when their hands are covered with raw chicken germs?) Regardless, from time to time, there does come a peaceful, germ free moment in the kitchen when you may pause and ask yourself, why am I not taking a picture of this dish? It looks so beautiful. I went to so much trouble to get to this point, etc. So, I am encouraging you. . . go forth and multiply. . . or, umm, go forth and photograph? I'm trying to make myself cook new recipes every week, and I need ideas! Especially tried and true ideas.

Now, in order to avoid being a hypocrite, I'm posting some photos from last night's salsa endeavor. Before I begin with the recipe, I want to make a special note that when preserving food, you should be cautious, make sure that everything is sterile, and all of that jazz. . . So, start with some clean jars!

And here's the recipe:

2 c. tomatoes (chopped)
1 c. onions (chopped)
1/2 c. bell pepper (chopped)
1/2 c. or more jalepenos (chopped) *
4 cloves of garlic (chopped finely)
a bunch of fresh corriander or about 1 T. dried corriander
1/2 T. salt
1 tsp. white pepper
1/4 c. sugar
1/3 c. lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a pot, and cook on medium high heat until the mixture starts to boil. Lower the heat to medium and continue to simmer for 25 minutes. Spoon into jars, leaving about 1/2 inch unfilled at the top of the jar. Being certain to wipe the jars and rims clean, close the jars, and place in boiling water for twenty more minutes. Carefully remove from the water, and allow to cool. More importantly, be sure to follow any manufacturer's directions regarding the sealing of your jars! Safety first.

* I used 1/2 c. of jalepenos and wished that I had used much more. The recipe, as is, is mild at best. If you want to make salsa to give out as gifts, to people who might not like spicy food, this recipe is pretty ideal, but if you're making it for yourself, and you like it hot. . . definitely add more!