Tabbouleh here I come!

I didn't really have a game plan, per se. I started off with one of those garden herb kits you can get at any mega store (Super Target is my 'local business destroyer' of choice), and was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to grow basil, chives, and parsley on my kitchen windowsill. For those of you who are discouraged by the cost of fresh herbs at the grocery store, I highly recommend growing your own. It's very simple (I bought a child's kit, to be honest), and cheap. By now, I've probably grown over $50 worth of herbs, and I paid less than $10 for the kit.
Feeling confident, I decided to branch out from herbs and venture into the world of veggies and flowers. I went to Clegg's, my local nursery, and bought a few pots of varying sizes, seeds, dirt, and some fertilizer. Using the windowsill in my living room, I started a mini green house growing cherry tomatoes, morning glories, snap peas, and sweet peas (the flower) from seed. After they reached a certain height, I moved them to bigger pots outside on my landing.
As you can see, the morning glories have done a great job of taking over the railing. The tomatoes have also grown much larger than I anticipated (one of the plants is taller than me!), but the snap peas couldn't take the harsh morning sun and the sweet pea died off, too. But I wasn't discouraged. I went to my local farmer's market and bought plants that like baking in the sun: rosemary, black-eyed Susans, and some other flowering plants with names I can't recall.

Unbeknownst to me, there is a whole container garden movement. I'm not surprised as it took very little effort or gardening knowledge to get my plants going. If yuppies and hipsters in NYC can grow plants, then there is no reason a gal from Louisiana can't! Sure, I wasn't always successful, but I managed a sweet little garden.
I'm pretty proud of these plants. I'm nice to them, and, in return, they make yummy things for me to eat and pretty flowers for me to look at.
PS- Bonus points to whoever can guess the origins of the quote in the post title.
The Secret Garden! Hooray!
Also -- I've found that mystery plant you're growing. It's an annual known as Celosia or "Cockscomb."
You win! There's a snickers bar in my cubicle for you.
Thought provoking post.I found this website useful for Herb Gardening tips http://www.herbgardeningtoday.com. I think you guys will find it interesting too.
Leo - Herb garden kits