One beautiful fall day not too long ago, my ENT suggested that I have my tonsils out. Trusting his knowledge and theoretically sage advice, I decided to do so. I warn you now. . . do not EVER trust a medical professional who wants to rip your tonsils from your body. This hurts very very very much. After two weeks of not being able to eat and actually enduring stomach cramps due to impending starvation, I am finally (somewhat) normal. The funny thing is, the whole time that I was slowly starving, I kept thinking about food, and watching the food network, and flipping through cook books. Maybe it was a coping mechanism, or maybe it's the impending holidays. . . but I couldn't help it. So, I emerged from my ordeal with a little time on my hands and a strong desire to eat pizza, sushi and onion rings (don't ask).
I decided to skip the onion rings and make cookies instead. Lately, I've made my fair share of deserts. Someone in the house, who isn't me, has an insane sweet tooth. Typically, we do pies - chocolate pies. I could make a chocolate pie in my sleep. But this time, my desire to recreate something so simple and elemental won through. I was lazy and just used the Nestle Toll House recipe. I'm going to cheat. Instead of copying it down, you can go here. That's not too much to ask is it? Or am I supposed to actually type out the whole recipe? That would be a huge waste of time when there's cooking to do. Here's the verdict. They turned out okay. . . decent. . . edible? There definitely has to be a better chocolate chip cookie recipe out there. And I know that there are definitely better chocolate chips. Who would have thought that Nestle chips are so inferior? The cookies tasted entirely too sweet. The point is, though, to go out there and make cookies!
Okay, maybe I'm getting carried away. I mean, I haven't done a day's work in about two weeks, so it's really no surprise that by this point, I've decided to wash five loads of laundry, make cookies, make homemade ice cream (my grandma's recipe - definitely worth sharing later), make a slow cooker full of potatoes, carrots and turkey, and contemplate the possibility of sweet potato casserole. All the while wondering who is going to eat this since the fridge is already full of homemade arepas, spaghetti sauce, burgers, and enough dollar general cookies to choke a horse. Oh well, c'est la vie.
You should bring that cookie here to BR for me. :)
I have a Williams Sonoma chocolate chip cookie recipe that makes cookies so awesome I get marriage proposals.
Hmm, I wonder if John Cusack likes cccs?
I'll post the recipe in the comments when I get home.
PS - Brett, I think you got to eat some of the cookies from my recipe at Memorialpalooza. Do you remember that at all?
I probably didn't eat them since I'm not the hugest fan of choc chip cookies, or if I did, it was a really small bite, but I'm sure it was tasty :)