Sarah Ferstel
When I was studying abroad, I remember my Italian flatmate's total confusion when I brought sweet potatoes home. My Chinese flatmate, on the other hand, was as excited as I was to have them. We threw them in the oven and then ate them with a spoon right out of the skins. Simple, delicious, and very nutritious.

Down here in Louisiana, and probably in other parts of the south, you can often find sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on Thanksgiving and holiday tables. I hunted (i.e. Googled) for a cupcake equivalent, and what do you know - it exists!

The cake part was easy enough, but roasting little mounds of mini-marshmallows let me express pryomaniacal desires I didn't know existed. Thank goodness my step-mother isn't bothered if you start marshmallow fires in her oven.


The second batch came out just right, but they were a pain to transfer to the cupcakes.

Cute, hunh?

The overall taste of the cupcake with the "frosting" was okay, but nothing really special. I prefer the casserole or sweet potato pie.

My nephews really liked them, but I think they'd eat brussell sprouts if we put marshmallows on top.

What did I learn from all this?

1) Marshmallows go from lightly toasted to flaming mounds of madness in about 2 seconds.

2) Young boys like sugary treats.

3) Not every dessert dish should be cupcake'd.

1 Response
  1. Molly Says:

    I don't concur. I thought they were delicious!